Gracepoint Fellowship's ministry in Calgary started over 50 years ago. Though we are now an English speaking multi-ethnic community, our roots are found in an evangelical Japanese congregation. We still have a close connection with the Japanese church and community… and we really love their food too! Gracepoint Fellowship (formerly known as – and still partnering with - Calgary Japanese Gospel Church) formally started in 1967 with a handful of families meeting in a rented facility in Calgary. In 1986 the congregation purchased their present church building located in Inglewood, with the help of many dedicated Christian families. This central location was perfect for the Japanese members who attended from all parts of the city. Over the years, the English ministry grew and grew until an English pastor was hired to oversee the blossoming ministry. In 2008, recognizing that the English congregation had grown to be a multi-ethnic community, the English congregation changed its name to Gracepoint Fellowship, while at the same time, maintaining a close relationship and ministry with CJGC. As of 2019, we are now part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance.
More info on our church history
We believe...
That GOD created all things to exist harmoniously; and created mankind special – made in God’s own image, so that we could be in relationship with Him. That purpose, to be in relationship with God still remains God’s purpose for mankind.
That human rebellion (sin) has created a chasm between what creation is and what it should be. In this current state, all of creation groans under the weight of brokenness, loneliness, illness, and instability.
That throughout human history, it has been God’s passion to bridge the chasm and heal the brokenness currently plaguing humanity and all of creation, and God has constantly reached out to humanity through Scripture, prophetic voices, personal experience, and His Spirit.
That in JESUS CHRIST we see God’s boldest and most intimate expression of grace and love for humankind and all of creation. We believe Jesus Christ to be the incarnation of God – that at a certain point in history, God chose to put on flesh and walk among us, and that, by believing in Him and actively following in His footsteps, we may experience life on another level – life as God intended.
That God continues to participate in human history through the powerful presence of the HOLY SPIRIT, which gives those who receive it the very presence of God in their lives: To guide, comfort, encourage and rebuke, to teach and reveal the heart of God to each of His children. The Holy Spirit also draws communities of believers closer together, motivating ordinary individuals to remove the dividing barriers by serving one another.
That followers of Christ form a universal community known as the CHURCH – or the “Body of Christ. This image has been tarnished by selfishness and greed, but we believe the purpose still remains – the Body of Christ exists to embody the ideals which Jesus demonstrated: love, grace, courage, and sacrifice.
That the BIBLE is God’s guidebook for purposeful, abundant living. It is also the final authority in matters of faith and practice.
That God invites all people to receive eternal life and a place in the Kingdom of God, but only those who accept the invitation; who believe in Him and His words; who enter into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ; and who become children of God through faith in Jesus will enter into God’s Kingdom.
For more on our beliefs, please read our Statement of Faith​
To be a community of Christ followers who love God and love people.
To share God’s love and make disciples. We believe that God loves all people and desires to have each of us as citizens of His Kingdom, and members of His family. It is our mission to assist people into Christ’s kingdom by showing them God’s love and forgiveness; by teaching them Jesus’ worthiness to be followed; and by accepting them into community. It is also our mission to encourage, exhort, and teach those who have accepted a place in the community of Christ followers as they journey through this life, growing in their friendship with God.
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